Jun 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Kimberly Mallett

Loved this as I never would have thought of these 4. Always thought that Goldilocks was a bit of boundary abuser

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Jun 12, 2023Liked by Dr. Kimberly Mallett

What a timely article. I just set a boundary with someone whom I was enjoying connecting with and they decided to end the relationship. I struggled with this all weekend but I know I did the right thing in speaking up about the crossed boundary. We all deserve to feel comfortable and safe in our relationships with others wether they are intimate, professional or platonic. We must also remember that we are not beyond breaching the boundaries of others. That’s how human relations are. We step on each other, we hurt each other purposely or not. I’m learning to communicate clearly and practice compassion for self and others to ensure that I can enjoy healthy connections with them.

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